February Weather in Houston, Texas
Average Temperatures and Precipitation
Get ready for a delightful February in Houston, Texas! With average daily high temperatures rising from 65°F to 71°F, the city is set to welcome a warm and inviting month. Precipitation remains low, with an average of just 2.5 inches of rain expected.Historical Weather Data
According to weather reports from February 2021, Houston experienced highs reaching 78°F and lows dropping to 46°F. Expect similar conditions in February 2024, with temperatures hovering around 66°F (19°C).Monthly Weather Forecast
Prepare for a primarily sunny February with occasional overcast days. Humidity levels will remain moderate, making for comfortable outdoor activities. Winds will be generally light, with occasional gusts of up to 20 mph.Additional Information
To stay up-to-date with the latest weather forecast, visit your favorite weather app or website. Historical weather data for Houston, Texas can be easily found online. Remember, actual weather conditions may vary slightly from the forecast, so it's always a good idea to check local sources for the most accurate information.