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Android 17s Reunion With His Family

Android 17's Family and Adventures in Dragon Ball Super

Android 17's Reunion with His Family

Android 17, known as Jinzōningen Nana Artifical human No7 during a certain period, made a triumphant return in Dragon Ball Super. After a decade-long absence, he surprised fans by reappearing as a national park ranger on a remote island, dedicated to safeguarding wildlife from poachers.

Android 17's Marital Status

One of the most intriguing revelations about Android 17 was his marital status. He is now happily married to an unseen woman named Kashi, also known as Android 7. Together, they have one biological child and two adopted children.

Android 17's Sacrifice for His Family

Android 17's commitment to his family extends beyond his ranger duties. He willingly left his peaceful life to join Krillin, Android 18, and the Z-fighters in the Tournament of Power. His ultimate goal was to protect the safety of his loved ones and ensure the survival of all life in the universe.


Android 17's journey in Dragon Ball Super has been a captivating one, showcasing his growth as a character. From a ruthless assassin to a loving husband and father, he has defied expectations and proven that true strength lies not only in combat but also in the bonds we forge with others. His selfless sacrifice for his family and unwavering determination to do what's right leaves a lasting impression that resonates with audiences of all ages.
