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Synonyms Of The Word Asir In Turkish

Asır Eş Anlamlısı

Synonyms of the Word "Asır" in Turkish

Synonyms of "Asır"

The Turkish word "asır" has several synonyms, including:

* Yüzyıl * Devir * Çağ

Definition of "Asır"

The word "asır" refers to a period of 100 years, or a century. It can also be used more generally to refer to a period of time, such as an era or an age.

Examples of "Asır" Usage

Here are some examples of how the word "asır" is used in Turkish:

  • 20. asırda teknoloji hızla gelişti.
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  • (In the 20th century, technology developed rapidly.)
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  • Osmanlı İmparatorluğu altı asır hüküm sürdü.
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  • (The Ottoman Empire lasted for six centuries.)
  • Additional Notes

    The word "asır" is often used in conjunction with other words to specify a particular period of time. For example, the phrase "19. asrın sonları" refers to the late 19th century.

    The word "asır" can also be used figuratively to refer to a long period of time. For example, the phrase "bir asırdır" means "for a century."
